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New Families Admissions
Experience Survey

* Required

    Entry Grade*

    Please indicate how you first heard about St. Michael's College School*

    Please specify: *

    Did you apply to other schools? If so which ones?*

    If you selected other, please specify: *

    Please indicate the top three factors that distinguished SMCS from other independent schools*

    If you selected other, please specify: *

    What was your overall satisfaction with the Virtual Open House?

    If you were not satisfied with the Virtual Open House experience, please tell us what we can improve on: *

    What was your overall satisfaction with the Family Meeting?

    If you were not satisfied with the Family Meeting, please tell us what we can improve upon: *

    What was your overall satisfaction with the Online School Tour experience?

    If you were not satisfied with the Virtual Open House experience, please tell us what we can improve on: *

    On a scale from 1 to 5, how influential was your experience of the 3D virtual tour to your decision to accept our offer of admission?

    Please explain* :

    Throughout the admissions process was there too much emphasis on one area of the school programme?

    Please specify: *

    Throughout the admissions process was there too much emphasis on one area of the school programme? *

    Contact name*

    Contact phone number*

    Parents Portal

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