* Required
Entry Grade* Please select...789101112
Please indicate how you first heard about St. Michael's College School* Please select...Family MemberFriendGoodGoogle SearchSMCS EventFair/Trade ShowRadioAdvertisingSocial MediaOther
Please specify: *
Did you apply to other schools? If so which ones?* Crescent SchoolDe La SalleRoyal St. George's CollegeSt. Andrew's CollegeUpper Canada CollegeOtherNone
If you selected other, please specify: *
Please indicate the top three factors that distinguished SMCS from other independent schools* AcademicsAll Boys' EducationAthleticsArtsBasilian EducationCatholic EducationChristian Service OpportunitiesFamily Attended SMCSFriend Attended SMCSOther
What was your overall satisfaction with the Virtual Open House? Please select...Very SatisfiedSatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid not attend
If you were not satisfied with the Virtual Open House experience, please tell us what we can improve on: *
What was your overall satisfaction with the Family Meeting? Please select...Very SatisfiedSatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedNot Satisfied
If you were not satisfied with the Family Meeting, please tell us what we can improve upon: *
What was your overall satisfaction with the Online School Tour experience? Please select...Very SatisfiedSatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedNot SatisfiedDid not take an online tour
On a scale from 1 to 5, how influential was your experience of the 3D virtual tour to your decision to accept our offer of admission? Please select...1 (Did not influence decision)2345 (Major influence on decision)
Please explain* :
Were there specific areas of the co-curricular programme (arts, clubs, athletics, community service) that were of particular interest to you and your son?
Throughout the admissions process was there too much emphasis on one area of the school programme? YesNo
Throughout the admissions process was there too much emphasis on one area of the school programme? *
Could there have been more emphasis on a specific area of the school programme?
Was there any information that you wanted to know that was not covered during the admissions process?
Was there anything else that you wanted included as part of the admissions process?
Do you have any other comments about the overall experience?
Would you like Mr. Fischer or Mr. De Piero to follow up with you with a phone call?* YesNo
Contact name*
Contact phone number*