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Mid 2020-2021 Parent Survey

* Required

    1. My son is in grade*

    2. How has your son adjusted to learning in our Hybrid model, every other day (Sept. to Dec.)?

    3. Since moving fully online in January, how do you feel about the amount of 'live' synchronous online learning your son is experiencing?

    4. What have been your son's biggest barriers to online learning? (click all that apply):

    4.5 Other*

    5. Since moving fully online in January, how do you feel about the amount of 'independent' (asynchronous) online learning your son is experiencing?

    6. Since September, how do you feel about the amount of learning, studying, and homework assigned each day for your son?

    7. Since September, how do you feel about the pace of instruction (content and course material being covered) experienced by your son?

    8. How connected do you feel to the school during this school year?

    9. Since September, how well are you managing and coping with your son’s education at the this time?

    10. How satisfied are you with the communication from the school?

    11. Based your experience at SMCS, particularly through these challenging times, how likely are you to recommend St. Mike’s to a friend or potential new family interested in the school?

    Parents Portal

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