Musical Newsies set to hit SMCS Stage
A springtime tradition is set to return to St. Michael’s College School (SMCS) as the Drama Department gears up for the debut of the Broadway hit musical ‘Newsies.’
Historically based on the Newsboys’ Strike of 1899, a labour strike in New York City led by newspaper delivery boys, commonly known as newsies, who sold newspapers on the streets for various publishers. The strike was sparked by a decision to increase the prices that newsies had to pay for the newspapers they sold.

“Newsies was the perfect show choice for us this year due to the large male cast and compelling storyline,” says Jamie Oatt, Spring Musical Producer and Head of SMCS Music. “It also requires a large stage crew component which allows more students to be involved in the production. We are currently in the final stages of show preparation and the cast is excited to finally rehearse with our live orchestra at the end of March.”

Following months of preparation, the musical is set to hit the SMCS Centre for the Arts stage in April 2024, with seven performances between April 11 and 20.
The production will include a cast of 30 — including SMCS students and students from several girls’ schools — joining a semi-professional pit orchestra and dedicated behind-the-scenes talent from set design to stage crew.
Check out five fast facts about the upcoming Newsies Spring Musical:
- Vince Gassi will be this year’s Music Director. Gassi is a well-known Canadian composer, writing band, jazz ensemble and orchestral music for publishers such as Hal Leonard. He is no stranger to the orchestra pit, having conducted numerous shows over the years, notably with Brampton Music Theatre productions.
- Jade Trichilo, the choreographer for last year’s production of Love & Revolution, will direct and choreograph Newsies. It’s a perfect marriage as this production is very choreography-heavy — there is even a tap dance number.
- The cast and stage crew will be involved in several scenes together, including a huge fight scene choreographed by a professional stage combat instructor.
- Our semi-professional pit orchestra of friends, teachers, and students was assembled on March 3 for its first rehearsal. According to Music Director Vince Gassi, “The orchestra sounds amazing, even in their first read-through of the show.” Grade 12 music student Nathan Smitiuch will play trombone in this extremely talented ensemble.
- During the run of the show, select music students are invited to audit a performance by sitting in the pit and watching first-hand and up close how pit orchestra musicians bring the amazing orchestrations to life.
Tickets for Newsies are now on sale, visit
Performance Dates:
April 11, 12 at 7:30 p.m.
April 13 at 8 p.m.
April 18-20 at 7:30 p.m.
April 20 at 1 p.m.
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