Our Donors
St. Michael’s College School sincerely thanks each of you for your support and generosity.
In gratitude, we have listed the names of our donors while respecting those who wish their gifts to remain anonymous. Every effort has been made to list the donors names accurately, however, if you have not been recognized correctly, please accept our apologies and contact us immediately at advancement@smcsmail.com. We will do our best to correct the oversight.
Building Fund 1994-2001
In 1994, St. Michael’s College School launched its first ever capital campaign, The Building Fund. The campaign realized the expansion of the 1950 campus buildings with:
Phase One – North side of building expanded to provide dedicated science labs, a larger cafeteria and servery, along with the construction of the Robert Campeau Lecture Hall;
Phase Two – Expansion of the gymnasium to the north and east and removal of the theatre stage;
Phase Three – Two story East Hall with additional classroom space and the new Odette Library adding an additional 125,000 sq. ft. of academic space.

The Basilian Fathers of St. Michael's College School
The Eugene Melnyk Family
The Weston/Loblaw Organization
Edmond Odette
Louis Odette
The E. & G. Odette Foundation
The P. & L. Odette Foundation
Reg and Steve Quinn
Rev. Peter Rosettis
Mr. James Magee
The Robert Campeau Family Foundation
Dick Duff/Alumni Golf Tournament 1995-2001
SMCS Parents' Guild Dinner Dance/Alumni Silent Auction 1995-1999
2000 SMCS Dinner Dance/Silent Auction
Jim De Gasperis
Mr. Roy Foss
Dr. Paul A. Spence
Dr. Henry Wang
D. Crupi & Sons Limited
Broadview Holdings Inc.
Basilian Fathers of Henry Carr Farm
Frank Buckley
Michael K.T. Cheng
Domenic A. Gesualdi
Arthur Labatt
Patrick Mohan
Loris Muzzatti
Harold Peerenboom
James T. Roddy
Mario Romano
Joseph D. Sorbara
Bill & Sheila Spence
Frank Spence
The Joan & Clifford Hatch Foundation
Hurley Corporation
Priestly Demolition Inc.
Order of St. Michael Committee 1996
Paving Industry Hockey Tournament 1997
ProtectAir Inc.
Skate for Kids 1998-01
Joseph S. Stouffer Foundation
Torkin, Manes, Cohen & Arbus
Dr. B. Angilletta
Tim & Michael Ash
Gordon V. Ashworth
Terry and Gail Badour
Dr. & Mrs. Marshall Barkin
Brian Bellmore
Dr. Joseph Bielawski
Peggy Boccia
Larry & Kathy Bookman
Albert Brandstatter
Dr. Robert Brock
Robert W. Brown
Chatri Chaitrakool
Otino Corsano
Jack & Merrilyn Currie
Carlo De Pellegrin
Roman Dementavicius
Sam Di Michele
John Doherty
Paul & Kathy Downs
Paul M. Dub
Dick Duff
Arleigh & Michael Duffy
Bruno Fattore
Rev. Lawrence Faye, CSB
Robert J. Fenn
Paul Ferraro
John Ferraro
The William Frost Family
Bill Fulton
Dr. Leonard and Kathy Grbac
Pina and Frank Greco
Andrew Griffin
Anthony D.B.G. Griffin
Rev. Brian Higgins, CSB
Linda Dianne Hook
Michael J. Howorth
Dr. Raymond J. Kanoza
Lawrence & Margaret Kavanagh
Bruce Ian Keith
Paul & Pamela Ki
John Krasnick
Dr. Dennis & Dr. Nives Krmec
Mr. & Mrs. Remo Lecce
Frank Lecce
Dr. Frank Lista
Neil A. Longlade
Ivan & Mary Marentic
Vince & Rita Mariani
Dr. Joseph McConnon
Joseph McNulty
Peter McQuillan
A.S. Peter Meneguzzi
Rev. Thomas F. Mohan CSB
Dominic Montemurro
Ralph Montemurro Sr.
Jack & Pina Morelli
W.F. Morneau
Louie Nuspl
Michael J. O'Brien
John P. O'Neill
J. Mark O'Regan
Mrs. Marion Pilkington
Austin Riley
Lino Scaini
Gunther Schumacher
John Serrano
Dr. L. J. Sullivan
Robert Sullivan
Irene Sztuka
Dr. Stephen Tannis
Dr. Ben Venditti
Nancy & Rob Wright
Ennio & Anna Zuccon
1999-2000 SMCS Prefect Chapter
Basilian Fathers of Lethbridge
Bruno's Fine Foods/Dendrite Inc
D.F. Caponi Insurance
Dubwear Clothing Company
General Accident Assurance of Canada
Marian Movement Of Priests
Mirolin Industries Inc
Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation
Omni Floorcoverings Ltd.
Pal Insurance Services
R.J. McCarthy Limited
Royal LePage Foundation
SMCS Student Gov't 1994-99
The F.K. Morrow Foundation
The Fantilli Family
The McLean Foundation
Universal Custom Brokers
In Memory of Kevin C. Bracken
John L.M. Badali
Michael Barrack
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Barreca
Dr. John Birgiolas
John Boynton
Dr. Alfred F. Browne
David J. Buckley
Ambrose Campana
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Caruso
John & Clare Castellino
Dr. Michel E. Chateauvert
Nick Ciccocioppo
Rev. Robert B. Clune
Glenn & Mary Clydesdale
John Costello
William and Doreen Currie
Luigino De Faveri
Joe & Mary Jane De Kort
Paul Dignan
Russel Dilworth
Michael Doyle
Sam D'Uva
David and Kavita Fischer
David W. Fortier
Nicholas Gareri
Peter & Dianne Gillin
Senator Stanley Haidasz
John & Olga Hilmer
Dr. Roman Holowatyj
Samuel Kanes
James J. Kavanagh
David Kavanagh
Dr. James Kavanagh
Joseph Kennedy
David Keon
Hong Chul Kim
Frank Leahy
Dennis Lui
Peter & Susan Lynch
Robert MacDonald (2003)
Cam MacLellan Sr.
Terry Mangan
Peter McConnon
John S. McKay
Rev. Tom McKillop
Jim & Sheila Milway
Leszek Muniak
George & Edith Myslicki
Richard and June Naranowicz
William M. O'Reilly
Nick Pantaleo
Lawrence and Celeste Pelliccione
Stephen Pozgaj
Steve Quinn
Lawson Ratcliffe
Paul Rouleau
Mr. & Mrs. Garry Rubacha
Armand Scaini
Dr. Ralph Scandiffio
E. Burke Seitz
Dr. John Srigley
Luke and Elizabeth Sulatycki
Ronald P. Tam
Joseph Tanzola
Hubert A. Teolis
Dr. Joseph Troncone
Warren Wakefield
Rev. Bernard Wilson
Dr. J. K. Wilson
Mark Zownir
1166709 Ontario Limited
1176985 Ontario Limited
Grindtech Precision Ltd
Medi Group Inc
RBC Dominion Securities
In Memory of Father T.Flanagan CSB
In Memory of Monsignor Howard G. Weil
In Memory of E.T. & F.E. McGeragle
In Memory of Margaret Ellen Keenan
In Memory of James and Gabriela Patrico
Gil and Brenda Aburto
Rev. Allen Arbour
Joe & Anna Arcuri
Robert Armstrong
Joseph Attard
Anthony & Mary Azzopardi
Peter Bachelor
Stephen & Kimberley Bailey
Bryan & Patricia Baker
Jerald Bellomo
E. & S. Bielawski
Dr. Robert Birgeneau
John and Rita Birgiolas
Dr. Aldo Boccia
Steve Bochen
Frank L. Bodogh
John Bonvivere
T. Douglas Brady
Dr. and Mrs. F. Bravo
Joan & David Breech
Edward Bridge
William Broadhurst
Dr. Roger J. Buckley
Wayne & Edda Burlington
Dr. Michael C. Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. G. Caprara
Anthony Caruso
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Ciancibello
Joseph Coccia
Angelo Comi
Attlio Commisso
Joseph Cortellucci
David Cramer
Michael De Pellegrin
Enzo DeLuca
John L. Devaney
John Di Giulio
Alan J. Dilworth
Stephen Dineley and Penny Rose
Michael Dymond
Timothy Farlow
Peter Federico
Marc Giacomelli
Paul & Cathy Grossi
Martin & Nessa Hefferon
Mr. & Mrs. James Higgs
John Kearney
John Kennedy
Ria & Robert Kinghorn
Paul T. Knox
Sigurd Kusatz
Dr. Chris Lang
Anthony P. Lee
William Lehun
Robert Leon
Thomas & Emily Leoniak
Andre & Adrian Leung
Bryce and Susan MacKinnon
Cesare Maniago
Gordon Manion
Joseph McBride
Peter McCann
Ron & Lana McCarthy
D'Arcy and Nonie McConvey
William and Mary McDonnell
Dr. Sean P. McDonough
Dr. Bohdan Molckovsky
Michael Moyer
David W. Murdoch
Michael J. Murray
George Nowak
W.T. Nutson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Olkovich
Dennis & Sharon O'Shea
Vince & Mary Pagano
Dr. Mario Palermo
Dr. Paul Philbrook
Dan & Sharon Prendergast
David Puttock
Mr. & Mrs. Guglielmo Quaglietta
Michael Quinn
Anthony Reitmeier
Mark Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruscigno
Len Sanci
Dr. Carmen Santone
John Santos
Alvydas Saplys
John and Rose Scaini
Joseph H. Shearin
Joseph Sheehan
Marc Siatkowski
Joseph Skulj
Bernard & Florence Smith
Louis Speranza
Tony Stanco
Tim Storus
John E. Tanti
Christopher Tanzola
Ian Thompson
Paul Thomson
Gerald L. Timmins
Robert J. Tunney
Douglas Wallace
Douglas Wallace
Dr. Willem Wassenaar
David White
Paul M. Yip
Michael Zampini
Aburto Avila Family
Creative Merchandising Co.
Enelel Investments
Hollinger Inc.
Kapp Contracting
Masters Insurance Ltd.
In Honour of Norman Platt 1948
St. Michael's Oldtimers Hockey Club
In Memory of Don Goudy
In Memory of Jack Bannan
In Memory of Pasquale Milano
In Memory of Peter Ciccocioppo
In Memory of Rocco Di Giulio
In Memory of Ted Duffy
In Memory of Rev. David Bauer CSB
Building on Strong Foundations 2006-2011
The second capital campaign, Building on Strong Foundations, at St. Michael’s supported the construction of the Centre for the Arts that had long been required after the removal of the gymnasium stage during the Building Fund Campaign. The Campaign also saw funds raised to support the creation of a Learning Enrichment Centre and to support the endowment for financial assistance requirements.

2176542 Ontario Limited
Basilian Fathers of St. Michael's College School
BMW Toronto / Parkview BMW
Jim & Lina De Gasperis
Eagles Nest Golf Club Inc
Muzzo Family Charitable Foundation
Marc Muzzo
P & L Odette Charitable Foundation
Regis & Donna Quinn
Steve & Joanne Quinn
St. Michael's College High School Foundation
Garry & Michele Zentil
Nick & Nadia Di Donato
Liberty Entertainment Group
Arista Homes
Prof. R. Arthur & Gabriella Colussi Arthur
Stephen & Kimberley Bailey
J.J. Barnicke
Max & Marisa Ciccolini
Michael & Grace De Gasperis
Sonia & Carlo De Pellegrin
Sam & Filomena Di Michele
Paul & Kathleen Downs
Dufferin Concrete
E & G Odette Foundation
Tony & Julie Fuda
Joe & Anna Fusco
Giovanni & Concetta Guglietti Family Foundation
Silvio & Patrizia Gugliett
Wes Henry
Gregory & Jean Howard
Hyung Seob Kim & Heather Choi
Dianne & Norman Levine
Dr. Frank Lista & Ann Marie MacDonald
Marc Santi Foundation
Romeo & Theresa Milano
Graziella Montemurro
Helen & Frank Morneau
Masters Insurance Ltd.
Morneau Sobeco Inc.
Morneau Investments
Jerome Morse & Catherine Lawrence
Ed Odette
Lou & Patricia Odette
Daniel & Claudia Odorico
Jayne O’Neill> br />
John P. O'Neill
Ian & Nicolina Pianosi
Pianosi Industrial Leasing Ltd.
James & Grace Roddy
Safetech Environmental Ltd.
Edward & Leda Santi
Armand & Joan Scaini
SKV Realty Holdings Inc.
Glenn Smith
Robert & Lori Sullivan
Peter & Judith Sweeney
The Plastic Surgery Clinic Inc
Nick & Josephine Torchetti
Brian & Doretta Wilson
Dr. J.K. Wilson
1170233 Ontario Inc.
2054363 Ontario Limited
Tony & Vita Altomare
Sando Angotti
Dr. Taras Babiak & Catherine Carmichael
Sam Barbuzzi
Dr. Tony & Tracey Barozzino
Baywood Homes
Be Dance Inc
Robert & Debra Ann Brackenborough
David & Joan Breech
Dr. Robert & Carol Brock
Bruno & Anne Marie Burlon
John Burnes & Dr. Mary Ann Badali
John David Burnes
Frank & Rosella Canonaco
Gary & Arlene Cristello
Carlo De Vuono
Shelley Desjardins
Dick R. Duff
Eastern Construction Co. Ltd.
Paul & Annmarie Ferraro
Greg & Kathy Flagler
Domenic & Bess Fuda
Corrado & Mary Furlanetto
Dr. Joseph & Catharina Gasser
Andrew Griffin
Ed & Lynda Horawski
Intellectus Project Management Inc.
Taras & Jennifer Kalymon
Lawrence Kavanagh
Leon's Furniture Ltd
James & Winnie Magee
Andre & Sonia Maraldo
Massimo & Sandra Marinelli
Dr. Michael Mazurek & Dr. Patricia Rosebush
Shawn & Sharon Meehan
Dr. Stefano & Lise Monardo
Mark & Joan Moriyama
Leszek & Eva Munia
Richard & June Naranowicz
North Hill Auto Services
Odsar Holdings Inc.
Olar Limited
Profile Wine Group
Frank & Theresa Protomanni
Mike & Dina Riccardi
Dr. Monica Seger-Van Tol
Terence & Laura Sheridan
Colin & Karen Smith
William Smith
St. Michael's College School Parents' Association
St. Michael's College School Teachers' Association
Tim Storus & Luba Mycak
Dorothy P. Sullivan
Andrew & Janet Tatarsky
John & Angela Turco
Elio & Elsa Valente
Anthony & Sarah Vinelli
John J. Walsh & Mary Jane McNamara
James & Po Yip
1152308 Ontario Limited
684035 Ontario Limited / Dosman Real Estate
Jenn & William Abbott
Gino Alberelli & Tina Puntillo-Alberelli
Anonymous (2)
Glen Arthur
Myron & Mary Blozowski
Alain Boudreau & Carole Bellm
In Memory of Pat Boland
Edward M. Bridge
Joseph & Antoinette Brisbois
Adrian & Georgia Bucur
Richard & Cidalia Caklos
Andrew Canale
Joseph & Frances Carullo
Dr. Mike Capocci
Ralph & Anna Capocci
Enzo & Loredana Carcasole
Monsignor John H. Caswell
Dr. Martin Chepesiuk & Halyna Perun
Catherine Chire
Ron Clarkin
Johnny Connon
CS&P Architects
Jack Czarnota
Brian & Kathy De Carlo
Mario & Marion De Piero
Stefano & Kim Del Medico
Cathy & Lou Di Nunzio
Bryan Doran & Sylvia Digby
Dwight Donald
Michael & Jill Dosman
Bart & Joanna Dzikowski
East Credit Dental
Jack & Lorna Fenn
John Ferraro
David & Kavita Fischer
John & Diane Fisher
Bryan D. Flanagan
Julia Flanagan
Robert & Rita Francella
In Memory of Alessandro & Francesca Furgiuele
Rose Gammone
Carl & Maureen Geniole
Ed & Colleen Gibbs
Gerry & Janet Glynn
Michael & Kym Grippo
Emile & Carrie John
Roman Kocur & Sandra Kosziwka
Michael Lavelle Sr.
Luigi & Filomena Leonelli
Limen Group Const. Ltd.
Scott & Carol Anne Lindsay
Frank & Lucy Maida
Salvatore & Zaira Mantenuto
Mary Ferraro Foundation
Andrew & Verena Mayhew
Leo McArthur
David McCarthy & Kathleen Murphy
James & Lucia McDonough
Patricia McKinnon
Rosemary McKinnon & Patricia Gysel
Michael McNeely
Suhana Meharchand
Nick & Anna Melfi
Nick Migliore
Joe & Norma Moretto
Jamie Oatt & Monica Walsh
Cezary & Marta Paluch
Nick & Loretta Pantaleo
Arthur & Angela Pelliccione
John & Mena Petrucci
William & Lorraine Petruck
Andrew & Stefania Pilacinski
Darko Poletto
Dan & Sharon Prendergast
Giuseppe Raimondo & Lucia Antinori-Raimondo
Pasquale & Laura Rotundo
Davide F. Rubino
Alan & Roisin Ryan
Gino & Rose Saccone
David & Susan Sc&iffio
Antony Schiefer
Antoinette Servidio
Brian & Carol Skinner
SMCS Student Government 2010
Ian Smith
Jason & Ann Marie Smith
Spatial Knowledge Engineering Inc.
Paul Spence
Paul & Catherine Striowski
Systems Group Canada
Richard & Daria Taylor
Paul & Helene Thomson
Gerald L. Timmins
Dr. Robert & Angela Tracogna
Margaret Tunney
Robert & Denise Tunney
Anonymous (4)
Edie Bard
Dr. Robert J. & Mary Catherine Birgeneau
Blu-Mar Excavating & Grading Ltd.
Luigi & Gisele Caputo
Glenn & Patricia Castellarin
Cityzen Development Corporation
Clare J. Creedon
David & Jean Day
Michael & Christine De Santis
Anthony E. Dempsey
Bowes Dempsey
Dempsey Corporation
M. Andre Dempsey
Stephen Dempsey
Wanda Drapala Quigley
Andrew Dunsmore
Michael Dunsmore
Pam Dunsmore
Tony & Marisa Fabiano
Flynn Canada Ltd.
Mary & Corrado Furlanetto
Martin Glebe & Lorraine Short
Steven & Naznin Grattan
Ian Griffin
Randy & Patricia Grimes
Peter F. Higgins, Jr. & Amy Hopkins
Robert E. Howley
Lauri & Beth Ihamaki
Samuel & Lori Kanes
James J. Kavanagh
Joseph & Karen Kennedy
Kromer Radio – Paul Kromer
Michael & Patricia Lang
Dr. Andre & Lydia Lebed
William E. Lee
Kenneth Mathieson
David Morin
F. Paul & Janet Morrison
V. Ross Morrison
Mike Moyer & Pat Mastromatteo
Chris Pandoff & Annette Falcone
Patri Investments Inc.
Dr. Joseph & Emma Pivato
Queens Players Toronto Theatre Group
Ramorra Investments Inc.
Frank Romantini
Sable Cape Investments Inc.
Grady Savage
Dorothy J. Selke
Frank D. Selke
Gary & Debbie Selke
John & Mary Teolis
Triple Canon Corporation
Myroslaw & Luba Trutiak
Vito & Mirella Valela
Glenn Walman & Marianne LaMotta-Walman
Glenn T. Wright
Mark & Kathleen Wronski
John J. & Suzy Yocom
Imants Abols
Alain & Laying Agostini
Christine Anderson
Dr. Peter & Sigrid Azzopardi
Alfred & Beverley Bard
Cecil & Ellen Bard
Basilian Fathers of Henry Carr Farm
Jerry S. Bellomo
Gerard Buckley
Edward & Sandra Cattana
Sheila H. Charters & Paul Banks
Roger & Carol Clark
Matthew Collins & Dr. Leslie Reid
Angelo & Mary Comi
Luca D'Aprile
Robert & Beverly Day
James & Gillian Dempsey
Richard G. J. Desrocher
Jack M. Feeney
Gianpaolo & Thao Galletti
A.J. Greco
Dr. Joseph & Cheryl Ann Greco
Joseph A. Grimaldi
Ken Hannan
Jim Harbell & Pat McQuaid
Kim Heintzman & William Henry
Nick Iozzo & Tara Noelle Bates
Werner & Johanna Jacobsen
W. Keith & M. Audrey Jarvis
Dr. L. Stephen & Patricia Johnson
Stephen & Phyllis Kahn
Dr. James & Barbara Kavanagh
John A. Keating
Dr. Igor Kusyszyn
Patrick Leonard
Christopher Lewis
Roy Little & Lyne Gingras
Bernice Louis
Ian & Marisa Lum-You
Robert Lundy
Patrick Magee
Patricia & Alex Mandzy
David Terrence Mangan
John Mastrella & Dr. Clare Brandys
Doug & Mary McNeil
Fr. Denis P. McPolin
Buddy & Marie McWhirter
Steven Moore
Margaret Morrison
Ed & Sandra Narducci
Peter D. Nero
F. Michael & Margaret Newton
Douglas Ng
Hing Keung Ng & Vivian Yeung
Philip Nicol
Gary Ostoich & Katherine Berendt
Bruce Parrick
Greta Pereira
Andrew Reddon & Diane Cordell
Kenneth & Hedy Religa
Lois Roberts & Arne Luik
Sidney J. Rodger
Henry Rodrigues
Elliott Sales DE Andrade
Louis & Medina Sales DE &rade
Joseph & Susan Shearin
Robin Shepherd
Salvatore & Catherine Tassone
Dr. Vince Tassone
Kenneth & Lorraine Telford
Adrian Tersigni
Ted Toppazzini
Michael & Selina Tse
John & Debra Vella
William Verner
Norman Vetere
James P. Walsh
Mark & Louise White
Roger & Anne Wilson
Paul M. Yip
Peter Zatko
Cumulative Donors
St. Michael’s College School gratefully acknowledges the significant financial contributions of the St. Michael’s community members whose cumulative giving in support of the school’s vision, mission, and priorities is $25,000 or more.

All gifts, including annual giving, major and leadership giving, and realized planned giving along with pledges, contribute to the cumulative total. Collectively, these gifts have tremendously enhanced the educational experience for St. Michael’s students. Thank you to these donors for their long-term financial support and commitment to St. Michael’s College School.
Basilian Fathers of Soulerin House
Loblaws Inc.
Eugene Melnyk
Ed Odette
E & G Odette Charitable Foundation
Lou L. Odette
P & L Odette Charitable Foundation
St. Michael’s College High School Foundation
2176542 Ontario Ltd.
Anonymous (1)
Basilian Fathers of Toronto
BMW Toronto/Parkview BMW
Medi Group Service Partners/Medi Group Incorporated
Reg Quinn
Steve Quinn
Robert Campeau Family Foundation
Jim V. De Gasperis
Eagles Nest Golf Club Inc.
Estate of John J. Hartney
Estate of Susan Devaney
Estate of Yvonne Maxine Zaher
Dominic Montemurro & Susan Willis
Muzzo Family Charitable Foundation
Marc Muzzo
Lou L. Odette Jr. & Ms. M. Ellen Gaffney
Gregory M. Vogt & Catharina Goldnau
Garry Zentil
2414545 Ontario Ltd.
Anonymous (2)
Basilian Fathers of St. Michael's College School
Broadview Holdings Inc.
Frank C. Buckley
Nick & Nadia Di Donato
Paul & Kathy Downs
Downing Street Partnership
Randy Giroday Foundation
Griffiths McBurney & Partners
Liberty Entertainment Group
James & Winnie Magee
Ralph & Graziella Montemurro
W. F. Morneau
Daniel J. & Claudia Odorico
Peter A. Rosettis
Roy Foss Motors Ltd
Armand & Joan Scaini
Michael & Lilibeth Schlater
Hyung Seob & Heather Choi
Skate 4 Kids
Joseph Sorbara
2176542 Ontario Limited
Christine Anderson
Anonymous (4)
Pavel & Cretka Antolin
J.J. Barnicke
Prof. Gabriella Colussi-Arthur & Prof. Richard Arthur
Compass Canada Support Services Ltd
Con-Strada Construction Inc
D. Crupi & Sons
Russell V. Dilworth
Michael & Mary Fantilli
Sonia & Carlo De Pellegrin
Sam & Filomena Di Michele
Michael & Nikki Dobbins
Jason & Jane Donville
Paul & Kathleen Downs
Falcon Kitchens
Michael J. Fortier & Paige Backman
Giovanni & Concetta Guglietti Family Foundation
Silvio & Patrizia Guglietti
Dr. Frank Lista & Anne Marie McDonald
Dr. Michael Mazurek & Dr. Patricia Rosebush
Peter Nicol
Louie M. Nuspl
Edward & Krystyna Olkovich
Parents Guild 1995-1999
The Plastic Surgery Clinic Inc
Estate of Norma Rose Sutherland
Estate of Randall M. Ricci
Edward Roddy
James T. & Grace Roddy
Marc Santi Foundation
Dr. J.K. & Patricia Wilson
Jozef Zoldos
Active Insurance Financial Group
Anonymous (3)
Arista Homes
Stephen & Kimberley Bailey
Basilian Fathers of Henry Carr Farm
Joseph I. Belawski
Dr. Robert J. & Mary Catherine Birgeneau
Blackwell Developments
Albert Brandstatter
Andrew Brenton & Kerry Wood
The Brenton Wood Foundation
Dr. Robert & Carol Brock
Dr. Peter & Martha Campbell
Robert Cattana
Michael T. Cheng
Max & Marisa Ciccolini
Donald Crupi
Davies Ward Phillips Vineberg Foundation
Michael & Grace DeGasperis
Hon. Con Di Nino
Dufferin Concrete
Michael E. Duffy
Estate of Alice Cameron
John Ferraro
David W. Fortier
Tony & Julie Fuda
Joe & Anna Fusco
Domenic Gesualdi
Emilio Grossi
Gabriel Grossi
Joan & Clifford Hatch Foundation
Gregory & Jean Howard
Fr. William H. Irwin, CSB
John & Mary Lou Krasnick
Arthur Labatt
Patrick Lavelle
Dianne & Norman Levine
Justin Marshall
Masters Insurance Ltd.
F. Matjasec
Martin & Patrizia McCarthy
Stephen & Christine Mc Tiernan
Romeo Milano/ Wes Henry/ Glenn Smith/Safetech
Mini Downtown
Mohan Group
Ralph & Michelle Montemurro
Jerome Morse & Catherine Lawrence
Lucille Mulcahy
Loris Muzzatti
John P. O’Neill
Dean & Mara Orrico
Pal Insurance Services
Mark Palazzese
Harold Peerenboom
Ian & Nikki Pianosi
Pianosi Industrial Leasing Ltd.
Priestly Demolition Inc.
Protectair Inc.
Mario Romano
Edward & Leda Santi
John Scali
Scotia Capital
Hon. Justice Bryan & Patricia Shaughnessy
Simple Rock Developments Inc.
SKV Realty Holdings Inc
Frank P. Spence
Paul Spence
William Spence
St. Michael’s Oldtimers Hockey Club
Joseph S. Stauffer Foundation
Robert & Lori Sullivan
Peter E. & Judy Sweeney
Nick & Josephine Torchetti
Torkin Manes Cohen & Arbus
Peter Wang
Dr. Willem Wassenaar
Brian & Doretta Wilson
Wilbert Zinger
Ennio Zuccon