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Inspiring Young Alumni: Catching up with Matthew Crocker ’14

After graduating from St. Michael’s College School in 2014, Matthew Crocker completed an undergraduate degree in psychology and sociology and a master of public health from Queen’s University. Currently, Crocker is an epidemiologist at ICES (formerly Institute for Clinical and Evaluative Sciences), where he works closely with medical scientists/clinicians on research projects utilizing Ontario’s health data. On top of this full-time job, Crocker also has two part-time positions, collaborating with a clinician scientist from the University of Calgary on a mental health research project and working as a math and science tutor for high school students.

SMCS Inspiring Young Alumni | Matthew Crocker

Would you like to share any future plans?

In December 2023, I was admitted to the JD (Juris Doctor) programme at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, and I am set to start in September of 2024. I look forward to blending the skills I have gained as an epidemiologist with a legal education from U of T.

Please describe your history with St. Mike’s.

I started at SMCS in 2011, my Grade 10 year. I first heard about the school while playing football for the Toronto Jr. Argonauts. The team had several coaches and players associated with SMCS, and we practiced on the SMCS field. As I started hearing from players and coaches about the vast array of opportunities SMCS offers, I knew that it was where I wanted to be.

How have you been involved with SMCS since you graduated?

Considering that I went away to school (2014-2020) in Kingston, followed by the pandemic (2020-2022), I have not been as involved in SMCS as I would have liked. Now that I have settled into my life in Toronto, becoming involved in my alma mater in some capacity is something I would like to pursue.

How would you describe your time at the school?

I remember my time at SMCS (2011-2014) as some of the happiest years of my life. Some of my closest friendships today were forged inside those yellow brick walls. Having the opportunity to be a part of a vast tradition extending into academics, athletics, and the arts was one that I will never forget.

SMCS Inspiring Young Alumni | Matthew Crocker

How did SMCS prepare you for and propel you into life?

My experience at SMCS played a paramount role in my life trajectory to date. Without the skills taught at SMCS, I would not have been able to apply myself in university and achieve the academic success that I did. The emphasis on discipline, work ethic, and respect for authority has allowed me to achieve success and fulfillment in academics, my career, and my personal life.

How do you live out the Basilian motto of Teach me Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge?

Since graduating, I have tried to apply this motto in every area of my life, whether through working hard in academics, continually building my knowledge base in my professional field, or establishing relationships in my personal life. I was very fortunate to be exposed to this motto during my formative years.

Do you have examples of how you stay connected to SMCS within your community or industry?

Many of my closest friends are young men that I met at SMCS. We often get together to play tennis, have dinner, and talk about the many stories and experiences we shared during our time at the school.

SMCS Inspiring Young Alumni | Matthew Crocker

Describe how, through your work and education, you are being the best for the world.

Through my role at ICES, I am working with clinicians and scientists to address some of Ontario’s most pressing public health issues. I am passionate about this endeavour and confident in our ability to succeed. Through my role as a high school tutor, I am helping students realize their academic goals and providing them the tools to achieve those goals. By pursuing a legal education at the University of Toronto, I aim to integrate these experiences with new skills gained in the JD programme with the overall goal of having a positive impact on my community.

What advice do you have for current students?

Work very hard at your studies, take advantage of extracurricular opportunities, and enjoy the time with your friends. After being out in the world for nine years since graduation, I cannot stress enough how fortunate you are to be at SMCS. The support you will receive from teachers, coaches/mentors, and fellow students is unparalleled in most high school environments. Applying yourself here can only benefit your future self when you leave SMCS.

We are excited to feature Matthew Crocker as a member of our inspiring young alumni. More inspiring young alumni can be found on the featured wall across from the main office.

Related links:

Inspiring Young Alumni

Alumni Association

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