Clubs and Activities
Clubs and activities at St. Michael’s College School provide an opportunity for everyone to engage with their peers outside of the classroom, with more than 60 options to choose from.
Whether it is learning something new or honing an existing skill, students can explore, discover, build confidence, share ideas, make new friends, and just have fun!
Some clubs and activities offerings also involve volunteering within the community.
Each of these co-curricular endeavours support academic, artistic, or athletic interests, develop communication and media skills, deepen cultural understandings, and help students grow their leadership skills and service commitments.
Clubs and activities are available to students throughout the year, and they may join at any time. Many of these activities have helped students with post-secondary programmes and employment opportunities. Most importantly, they have created profound life lessons, good memories, and lasting friendships.

African Canadian Youth Group
The African Canadian Youth Group addresses issues of concern facing African-Canadian students in society on a micro and macro scale. The club meets regularly to discuss topics relevant to young African Canadian students as they seek to navigate an increasingly pluralistic world where their voices are often marginalized.
The Anime Club is a place for fans of anime, manga, and otaku subculture to get together. Students can introduce, discuss or examine elements of the subculture in a friendly and interesting way.
The Art Club provides students with the opportunity to relax and listen to music while working on their art projects or class assignments.
Asian Association
The Asian Association promotes Asian culture through cuisine and conversation. Students do not need to be Asian to join. Meetings take place monthly. Meals or outings occur after each meeting.
The Aviation Club introduces students to parts of an aircraft, various aviation terminology, different types of aircraft carriers and their specific uses. Students will also put their flying skills to the test, during flight simulator practice sessions.
Blue Angels (Altar Serving)
The Blue Angels is open to any student interested in assisting with liturgical celebrations at SMCS. The club is composed of Altar Servers, Lectors, Gift Bearers, and Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers. No prior experience is necessary.
Blue Anglers (Fishing)
This non-traditional club combines education, camaraderie, adventure, and sport. Club members discuss their latest catch, learn new fishing techniques, and even get together on a lake to practice what they have learned.
Blue Beetles (Hallway Walkers)
Blue Beetles is a student-driven initiative which supports mental well-being through healthy living and socialization. Members take part in moderate exercise and benefit from a safe space.
Blue Knights (Chess)
The Blue Knights Chess club gives students the opportunity to engage in the game of chess at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Blue Pixels (Video Gaming)
The Blue Pixels is an open video game club for students of all skill levels to socialize and play multi-player games. No experience is necessary.
Blue Tunes (Music/Record Club)
The SMCS Blue Tunes is a place for students who enjoy listening to music to meet and discuss their favourite genres and discover new ones.
Board Games
The Board Game Club is a group where students of all grades can meet up around the table to enjoy their lunch, a fun game, and a good laugh every Monday in the Alumni Lounge.
Business Leadership
The Business Leadership Club connects participants with business professionals to network, learn, and gain exposure to the varied world of business.
Challenge Award (Gr. 7 & 8)
The SMCS Challenge Award is comprised of four elements: Community Service, School Activities/Events, Fitness, and Skill Development. It is excellent preparation for the Duke of Edinburgh Award and counts toward GRAD M Award points (1 point for achieving it in either Gr. 7 or 8, and 3 points for achieving it in both Gr. 7 & 8). The award encourages students to become active members of the school community and helps them develop independence, commitment, and perseverance.
Common Earth
The Common Earth Club is an accessible and engaging programme for young people to come together for a healthier planet.
Computer Science Club
The Computer Science Club meets to explore various trends and innovation in the world of computer science.
Debaters practice skills like impromptu speaking, examining a witness, refuting an opponent, and structuring a parliamentary-style speech. Students engage in impromptu debates that help build skills such as how to ask a point of information, how to signpost a constructive argument, and how to deconstruct an opponent’s argument.
Students work on business case studies that prepare them for post-secondary and the business world. Club members compete at three case competitions throughout the year against other high students in Ontario.
Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Inclusion Student Committee
This committee is part of the broader anti-racism, diversity, inclusion, and equity work of the school. Its objective is to have a student-led committee to engage students on the topics of anti-racism, equity, and inclusion.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Duke of Edinburgh empowers young people to give back to their communities, explore their interests and passions, commit to their health and wellness, and gain an appreciation for the natural environment.
Dungeons and Dragons (DnD)
In this club, participants from all grades levels play the popular role-playing game. Using their imaginations, students take control of a fantasy character and embark on campaigns led by a Dungeon Master.
Film Club
Financial Literacy
Lunch and learn sessions with various professionals from different perspectives of the industry (ie. lending, investment, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc.)
French Aide
French Aide helps students enhance in their French language, grammar, literature and writing skills, on a walk-in and as-needed basis.
French Club
Club Français helps promote the French language and culture through a diverse range of learning experiences and an open environment.
Global Ideas Institute
The Global Ideas Institute is an initiative of the Munk School of Global Affairs of the University of Toronto. Students participate monthly in two-hour lectures and programming delivered by University of Toronto professors, industry experts, community stakeholders and graduate students of the Munk School. This year-long activity challenges participants to develop their problem-solving skills. Members are also required to deliver a five-minute pitch to a panel of distinguished judges.
Good Shepherd Refuge
Students volunteer at the Good Shepherd Ministries in Toronto. The charitable organization provides meals, clothes, and shelter to those in need. Students learn the importance of human dignity and giving back.
Green Initiative
Green Initiative is a group of students working on projects within the school and in the community to reduce our environmental footprint.
Guitar Club
Participants in the Guitar Club learn technique, theory, and improvisation in these weekly sessions. Club members then apply their learnings to a song.
Irish Club
Members of the Irish Club meet on a regular basis to learn about the Irish culture.
Italian Club
The Italian Club teaches members about the Italian culture through activities and events. It gives students opportunities to socialize outside of academic life and build new friendships and relationships with others who share similar interests.
Library Leaders
The Library Leaders group is a book club and more. In addition to meeting to talk about books, it also serves as an advisory group to help organize and promote activities in the Odette Library Learning Commons. The group helps make reading cool by suggesting reading materials that may be of interest to SMCS students and generally supports literacy initiatives at the school. Our motto: Read 'em and lead 'em.
M Squad
The M Squad provides students the opportunity to participate in SMCS school spirit by assisting with school initiatives in collaboration with the Student Government.
Mahjong Club
Students get together to play the traditional Chinese game, Mahjong, where they can learn the basics of how to play and strategies as they get better.
Media Arts/Photography
Participants explore photography and filmmaking as well as learning about the software to explore both media.
Milk Bag Mat Club
Participants create bedding out of recycled milk bags. The beds are then delivered to third world countries through Dr. Andrew Simone's foundation Canadian Food for Children.
Model United Nations (UN)
Students from Grades 7-12 role-play as delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. These activities enable students to refine their skills in researching, public speaking, debating, and writing, as well as critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership.
Modern Man Movement
Participants learn about digital citizenship, hyper masculinity, consent, health gender norms, and leadership.
Music Production
The Music Production club meets weekly in the Midi Room where students collaborate, share their work, and get valuable feedback from peers.
Peer Tutoring
Peer tutors help students having difficulty with a particular subject. The peer tutor meets with the student weekly before school, during lunch, or after school.
Politics Club
The Politics Club offers students an opportunity to deliberate political topics, extend their civic learning beyond the classroom, and model respectful political discourse for the entire school community.
SMCS Prefects serve as model students and assist with important school functions. Participants hone their skills as guides, mentors, and ambassadors for the school.
Reach for the Top
Reach for the Top is a buzzer-based trivia and general knowledge quiz game. Members of this club will compete against students from other schools between February and April.
Reading Olympics
This literacy initiative extends the Accelerated Reader Program by giving students in Grades 7-10 the opportunity to indulge their love of reading while engaging in friendly competition to be the Top Reader for their grade. Awards and mementos are also handed out, culminating in a year-end pizza party.
Rock Climbing
Students in the Rock Climbing Club enjoy getting together twice a month to boulder. The club hopes to start the first high school league.
Senior Math Club
Senior Math Club members write math contests throughout the year, and also compete on a national level with other high schools in the Canadian High School Math league.
SMCS Cuisine
Students explore their creativity in the kitchen by learning how to make healthy food and gaining a deeper understanding of healthy eating habits.
South Asian Association
The South Asian Association is a meeting place for students to celebrate the many diverse cultures of South Asia.
Spanish Club
Members learn about the diversity of Hispanic cultures and communicate in Spanish through peer mentoring and social exchanges. Students from all grades with no previous knowledge of the language are welcome to share fun activities like rapping, movie analysis, cooking from home, and virtual travelling.
Sport Management Club
Open to all students, participants learn more about the sports industry. Club members draft fantasy teams and compete in various aspects of managed competition. Taking care of everything from the field to the finances, students learn what it takes to become a sports manager.
St. Michael's Mechanics
St. Michael's Mechanics is a steppingstone in the study of automotive innovation, education, and experience. In this club, we learn how cars work, function, and even interesting facts and trivia. This club is also a community for fellow automotive enthusiasts and amateurs to talk, learn, and collaborate. All are welcome to join us for the ride!
St. Mike's Study Buddies
Twice a week, members of the St. Mike's Study Buddies meet to work with younger students from local elementary schools, including ESL students, to help them develop their English reading and speaking skills over Zoom.
Stock Market Club
The Stock Market Club teaches participants about the stock market in general, how to trade stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Students also acquire skills in research and analysis as they pertain specifically to vetting and acquiring financial products.
Student Ambassadors
This group represents St. Michael's College School to internal and external communities. It is the first mentorship experience for both new and prospective students as it allows students to develop their leadership skills.
Student Government
Student Government gives students the opportunity to plan, organize, and execute events for the entire SMCS student body. Councillors manage a budget, support charitable outreach, and encourage school spirit.
Theatre Stage Crew
The Theatre Stage Crew supports lectures, concerts, the Fall Drama and Spring Musical. Students will work in a wide variety of roles with professionals and industry-standard equipment in our Centre for the Arts.
Toastmasters Club
The Toastmasters Club provides students in high school an opportunity to learn about public speaking and improve their speaking skills using the Toastmasters Club system. Participants perform different roles such as grammarian, timer, evaluators, and speakers to keep students engaged and attentive to how they are speaking.
Tower Media
Tower Media consists of the video announcements studio and our live-streaming crew for school-wide events. Members help create multimedia content for the school community. In the studio, club participants film and produce the morning prayer and announcements, create videos for school assemblies, and gain experience with post-production software.
The VEX IQ Club introduces U14 students to the exciting world of robotics, through a more advanced interface. VEX IQ students do not currently participate in any competitions.
VEX Robotics
The VEX Robotics Club teaches participants about robotics using the VEX Robotics System, and is in addition to the Gr. 11 Engineering Robotics course in VEX Robotics. Some club members will form into teams that will compete in VEX Robotics Competitions in November, January, and February. Other students will be part of regular club meetings to learn about robotics in a more relaxed environment.
Wellness Team
The Wellness Team provides support for the student body by promoting positive mental health and wellness through a variety of activities and initiatives.
Yearbook Club
The Yearbook Club produces the school yearbook, annually, for the SMCS community.