Learning Support
A variety of structured support services and resources is available to every St. Michael’s College School student both inside and outside the classroom from the time he enters the school.
Our Learning Support system is built on a constellation of care approach.
This means educators and other professionals in various departments work across different areas of specialty to support each student in a personalized manner.
At the same time, students have access to the necessary tools and resources
required to manage the development and evolution of their own academic, personal and social lives from Grades 7 to 12.
Student Affairs Department is a central hub for student resources and learning support, comprised of:
- Guidance
- Learning Enrichment Centre (LEC)
- Odette Library Learning Commons.
Using an integrated approach, Student Affairs staff work collaboratively across multi disciplines and departments to ensure each boy is prepared to successfully manage high school life, as well as the post-secondary path he chooses upon graduation.

This is achieved by making academic, emotional and social supports and resources available to each student to ensure he succeeds and thrives.
Student Affairs staff provide personal, informational and technical resources that students can access to help them develop a tailored, effective and relevant plan for success while at St. Michael’s College School and in university and post-secondary life.
To support this goal, Student Affairs staff offer important guidance and counselling for each of the three major transitions a student will face:
- Arrival from elementary to high school
- Learning during the key developmental years
- High school to university and post-secondary life
A personalized approach is used for each student, respecting his individual strengths and talents while understanding potential opportunities for his learning, growth and development.
Students are always encouraged to be active contributors to their own success by independently seeking help, and tapping into the resources provided, if and when needed.

Helping students succeed in their high school life and preparing them for post-secondary education is the mission of the Guidance Department at St. Michael’s College School.
Using a blend of wide-ranging and customizable resources, the staff of trained Guidance Counsellors supports each student from Grades 7 through 12 to develop an appropriate plan for success in his academic pursuits.
Each student is assigned a Guidance Counsellor and is encouraged to be an active participant, in collaboration with their counsellor, to optimize their high school experience and learning journey.
Guidance support is provided for:
- course selection
- time management
- homework help
- individualized education plan management
- scholarships
- academic and personal counselling
- peer tutoring
- testing services
- post-secondary resources
- other
In tandem with the staff of educators within our faculty, a team of professionals in other specific fields, with multiple specialties and areas of expertise, are also on hand to ensure students receive the help they need in both positive and challenging times.
Learning Enrichment

Staff who work in the Learning Enrichment Centre (LEC) at SMCS understand the science behind how boys learn. They use that knowledge to help support the growth, unique development needs, and success of every SMCS student at each stage of his high school journey.
With training and expertise as Learning Strategists and Guidance Counsellors, LEC staff provide workshops, seminars and support on several key areas like executive functioning, which refers specifically to organization, time management, learning behaviours, and study skills.
In cases where a student experiences significant academic challenges with curriculum programming, he will be referred to TEAM.
Within the TEAM process, administration, guidance counsellors, and LEC teachers review student progress from various perspectives through an integrated approach.
Weekly TEAM conferences address student issues in a timely manner, allowing for immediate action to be taken when necessary.

As a vital component of the Student Affairs Department at St. Michael’s College School, the LEC works in collaboration with parents, teachers, and counsellors, providing support to students with varying individual needs and abilities with respect to learning readiness, background, interests, talents, and learning profile.
Learning Enrichment teachers understand the differing strengths and needs of each student. And if a student faces a diverse set of challenges, the LEC team offers accommodations to students keeping in mind their individual attributes.
At the same time, the LEC provides teachers with detailed background information so they can assist each student to achieve success, while also providing academic support.
The LEC space is designed for the student with an inviting, multipurpose area that features access to computers and quiet workspaces.
Identified Learning Needs
A student with an identified learning need is supported through the development of an Individualized Learning Plan (IEP) and communication with the Learning Enrichment Centre (LEC), their classroom teachers, and parents.
The LEC teachers will connect families with community services to support specific learning exceptionalities. IEPs are developed for boys with psycho-educational assessments, or a medical diagnosis that identifies them as exceptional learners.
Documentation must be provided from a recent educational psychologist or medical professional, describing the identified exceptionality, the necessary support, and accommodations required.
Support Strategies
- Learning Skills Workshops (in-class organization and study skills workshops for Grades 7 & 8 students as well as lunch & learn workshops for Grades 9-12 students)
- Stress and Anxiety Management
- Leadership and Mentorship programmes (Duke of Ed and Challenge Award)
- Concussion/Illness 'Return to Learn' Planning Support
- Individual Student Support
- Homework Club